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How long does it take to get good footwork in boxing?


Learning boxing is a rewarding experience and can improve coordination, fitness, and overall confidence. Boxing is based on striking with your hands while wearing boxing gloves, but the actual achievement is footwork. While practicing boxing, footwork will make you able to move around and dodge your opponent's hits. In addition, it will utilize your body while generating the power to hit your opponent back. 

Feet and footwork are the most crucial things to focus on when learning boxing with the right boxing equipment. But moving feet with the right stance will give balance and stability, making a fighter defend swiftly and attack with power. To become a better boxer, focus on your footwork to become a better boxer as boxing is a lifelong practice, and you improve every day. 

Boxing is one of the oldest fighting sports; anyone can pick up a pair of boxing gloves and pads to start training. A boxer must learn the proper form of defensive skills, hand placement, and most importantly, stance and footwork. Enhance the natural rhythm and awareness ability to pick up the things and then practice them extensively. Learning footwork in boxing requires a particular obsession and proper boxing gear to practice intensely.  Read Full Article

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