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Shadow Boxing vs Running: Which is the best way to stay in shape?


Have you put on weight and are looking to lose unnecessary fat? or have you bulked up some muscle instead and are looking to get leaner? you’ve narrowed down the options, which exercise will help you get and stay in shape? Is it shadow boxing or running? Let's get into it.

Both shadow boxing and running have some common and distinct advantages over other exercises, they can be performed by ourselves, with or without equipment, and even at home, and crucially, they burn a lot of calories.

There's no reason to choose between them in our opinion; why not combine the two into your training routine to make it more enjoyable and effective? We keep our bodies guessing by working out in varied ways, and the more types of exercise we perform, the more our bodies will have to adjust to keep up. While running is an excellent exercise in and of itself, shadow boxing is best done as part of a circuit or as part of a comprehensive boxing workout.

That being stated, there are several varieties of each exercise that we may undertake, as well as various benefits and drawbacks to each one. Read Full Article

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