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What is Manny Pacquiao's signature punch? Is Manny Pacquiao an out fighter?

 Boxing requires athletic abilities, strength, speed, and quickness, and delivering a powerful shot with Professional Boxing gloves. However, various timing, balance, aggressiveness, and anticipation enhance any boxer's punching ability. Manny Pacquiao remained an excellent fighter throughout his reign and sharpened his tools. He was super quick, hard-hitting, and harder to predict with advanced boxing techniques. 

Manny Pacquiao is one of the greatest boxers of all time. Initially, the incredible punching power and relentless stamina turned him from a whirlwind slugger to more of a boxer-puncher. He snaps off his jab with energy and purpose, along with such perfect timing that it can stun the opponent and send him reeling. It was not just the hard work or learning techniques that played a role in his distinct fighting style. However, he had built in skills and God-given talent. Read Full Article

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