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Do boxers do cardio everyday: How fighters train for fights


When you see modern-day fighters' incredible physiques, it's only logical to question if they exercise every day and how much of that training is cardio.

Whether it's classic cardio like jogging, skipping, cycling, or swimming, or boxing cardio like hitting the bags, the pads, or sparring. All boxing training is strongly cardio-driven. Most professional boxers would train twice a day, with a run in the morning and a boxing-related session later in the day, while in preparation for a fight.

In a week, how much cardio does a professional boxer do? Almost all boxing training can be classified as cardio; whether it's pure cardio or boxing-style cardio, it all works to strengthen the aerobic system.

Before we go any further, it's necessary to understand why cardio is so crucial in boxing and to do so, we'll need to look at the body's three energy systems and how they apply to boxing fitness.

The Aerobic, Anaerobic, and Alactic Systems are the three energy systems that make up the human body.  Read Full Article

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