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Deadly Punching Mistakes that can get you knocked out


Boxing seems to be an unpredictable game and many exceptional fighters get knocked out once the bout starts. Everyone must remember the bout when Buster Douglas knocked out Mike Tyson. This knockout is considered to be the biggest upset in the history of boxing and watching the match makes one realize the common mistakes made by Tyson who never became the same fighter again.

At the time of his bout with Douglas, Tyson had 37 victories and was the heavyweight champion known for his killer knockout power. Douglas lost his mother before the bout and also contracted flu and it was obvious that Tyson would knock him out but what happened became history.

Though Tony tucker KO Douglas, he was a strong contender when he stepped in the Tokyo dome against Mike Tyson. Without getting intimidated, Douglas maintained Tyson outside and went for a lethal choice and dropped Tyson to the mat in the 8th round. Read full Article

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